Statement of vision and purpose





Courtside Surgery aims to provide high quality medical care that places the patient at the heart of all we do.

We look to maintain the best elements of a traditional style personalised, comprehensive and compassionate general practice with a focus on continuity of care whilst balancing this with accessibility.

We achieve this through our team-based approach, reacting quickly and sensitively to daily demands.



1. Continuity of care 

  • To foster long term relationships with patients and develop an understanding of their medical history and health goals to achieve the best possible outcomes for their health and wellbeing
  • Support patients in managing chronic health conditions through regular reviews and structured care plans
  • Encourage a consistent and coordinated approach to managing patients within the constraints of a part time work force

2. Accessible and timely services

  • Offer a range of appointment types and times to suit the clinical requirements, needs and wishes of patients
  • Maintain a responsive and efficient booking system to reduce waiting times and meet diverse patient needs
  • Ensure patients are well informed about how and when to access care and the most appropriate care routes

3. Comprehensive and high quality

  • Deliver evidence informed patient centred care, engaging in health promotion and supporting patients to achieve optimal health outcomes
  • Maintaining a multidisciplinary approach working collaboratively with allied health professionals, local council and voluntary organisations to provide holistic care.
  • Use clinical governance methods to assess and maintain the quality of clinical care

4. Staff

  • Invest in staff through good management support, wellbeing initiatives and staff development opportunities. Ensuring staff are happy and supported in the workplace and enjoy working at Courtside Surgery, thus enabling them to do the best job possible for our patients.