PPG Minutes 9th October 2023, 7pm





  • Jean Poole (Chair and secretary)
  • Dr Vicky Smith
  • Ellie Bakhda
  • Rob Munden
  • Tess Munden
  • Lee Atkins
  • Dave Powell
  • Lee Davit
  • Maureen Woodward
  • Rebecca Corbett- Pitman
  • Trudy Gwatkin
  • Sharon Shaw
  • Mike Garett
  • Cindy Garett

Welcome: Jean welcomed everyone to the meeting including Ellie (New practice manager) who introduced herself.

Apologies: Ann Tunstall, Barbara Bird, Mike Woodward, Kerry Harding,


Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes of 7th August were approved by the group


Matters Arising From Previous Minutes

  • Advance care planning – Although there were some general leaflets available , they were not that helpful. There had been some research undertaken nationally about patient’s concept of ACP and it was clear that more information and a better understanding would be helpful. Details of the research had been passed to Dr Smith.
  • Dr Appleton is willing to do a presentation on the subject and the group decided that it would make a good topic for a general information session in the new year across the 5 surgeries in the local PCN. - Dr Smith and Jean to follow up
  • Appointment availability – things had improved and appointments for most services were available and some positive feedback had been received. The appointment of a new GP and 2 new GP trainees has helped with the workload.
  • Care navigation - The ICB ( Integrated Care Board) had provided feedback and there were a number of points under discussion regarding how patients access the service. – Dr Smith and EB to update at the next meeting (as part of information about the GP improvement programme)
  • Role of healthcare professionals within the practice – information about the different roles is now available on the website. A report on how multidisciplinary teams work in GP practice was discussed and summary points passed on to Dr Smith. - JP to arrange for information about the roles to be added to the PPG notice board
  • Carers information board and support for carers– The new information board regarding support is proving useful and leaflets can be requested at reception. LA to ensure supplies are available
  • NAPP membership – the PPG is a member of the national association with the yearly fee covered by the surgery. It was unclear whether this was up to date – EB to check (now confirmed)
  • New members update – the email group was growing steadily and now stands at 20 , with a number of new patients to the surgery expressing an interest.
  • Patient demographics – some age distribution information was discussed with the group and reflected the expansion of the local area, as expected.

Chair’s report

Jean read her report for the year


Election of officers

Following nomination by the group, Jean Poole( chair and secretary) , Tess and Rob Munden( joint vice-chair) were willing to continue in their roles and were elected for a further year.


PPG issues

  • Klinik on line service – Dr Smith was asked how this compared to “e-consult “ used at Courtside, as the different system was in use elsewhere. As with any comparison there are +/ - , but the current system will be reviewed next year and PPG members are to be invited to give their views on the available systems at that time – Dr S and Anna ( IT manager) to follow up as necessary

Courtside Issues

  • Staffing update – Amy ( physio) had now left and a replacement is being sought. There are 2 doctors in their final year and GP trainees currently working in the practice as well as the new GP, Lydia Hawkins who started at the beginning of September
  • Flu / Covid clinics – clinics started in September, a little earlier than planned due to updated guidance. These have been busy and as well as the main Saturday clinics, smaller ones on weekdays have been slotted in to ensure all those eligible are offered an appointment. Balancing the eligible numbers and vaccine ordering is a challenge , so it’s important that those booked in attend as planned or advise the surgery if a cancellation is appropriate.
  • PPG volunteers have been marshalling as before and find the interaction with patients is proving useful.
  • New way of messaging – information on the changes to this service using the NHS app message notification option ( if available) , were explained and details have been noted on the website. Text messages will continue where appropriate.


  • Ellie asked for the GP improvement programme and the new telephony system to be included as topics for the next meeting – JP to note

Jean thanked everyone for attending


Date of Next Meeting

Monday 11th December 2023 – 7pm