PPG Minutes 5th September 2022





Mike Garett (chair), Jean Poole (vice-chair and secretary), Dr V Smith,  Lee Atkins, Tess Munden, Rob Munden, Trudy Gwatkin, Sharon Shaw, Kerry Harding, Dave Powell, Barbara Bird


Mike welcomed everyone to the meeting


Richard Marshall, Cindy Garett, Lee Davitt, Rebecca Corbett-Pitman  

Mike explained that in view of the known apologies and others that had been anticipated prior to the meeting , a full agenda and AGM would be deferred for a few weeks. The next meeting would also include election of new officers.

An informal information sharing session followed.

Approval of previous minutes and notes

Approved Rob Munden, seconded Barbara Bird

Matters arising from previous minutes

  • Patient seating – some of the more damaged chairs have been withdrawn from use and a review of those remaining will be undertaken to ensure  robustness. The layout of the chairs will remain spaced out as this has worked well. Stools have been placed in both the nurse and main waiting areas.  RM/LA to ensure cleaning regime can be maintained on any slightly damaged chairs remaining in use
  • Practice information booklet revision –  action point outstanding. RM to ensure an electronic copy is forwarded to PPG for information
  • Social prescribing – having agreed that a talk about the service from the provider would be useful, contact details were still outstanding – details now received from Dr Smith
  • Patient portal – date of birth entry still an issue - Mike to follow up with RM/ Anna
  • New members – names of potential new members continue to be received but very few respond to the welcome message. Further validation has just taken place and some names deleted. – ongoing

Chairs report

Mike gave his report for the last year , before stepping down as chair – see separate notes attached. The group thanked Mike for his work and dedication to the PPG with a round of applause.

Election of officers

Nominations were received and the following appointments were agreed

Chair and secretary– Jean Poole 
Joint Vice-chair – Rob and Tess Munden

The remainder of the meeting was then chaired by Jean

PPG issues

  • Appointment availability – Lee gave an update on the current situation and the roll out of both GP and nurse rotas. The online access to appointments was discussed and ideas passed to Dr S – options will be discussed at the next GP/ management strategy meeting 
  • PPG leaflet – as there were none on display , Jean asked for a number to be made readily available and clearly visible both on reception and the PPG notice board – LA to action
  • Urgent care service – As Jean was no longer in a position to attend the IUC PRG meetings in person and there were no volunteers to step in, it was agreed that we may need to withdraw from that representation – JP to advise the PRG group
  • Dr S was able to confirm that the recent “hack” of the NHS 111 service had not adversely affected the information exchange with the surgery.

Courtside issues

  • Staffing update – Jemma Chapman had now taken over the role of Nurse manager
  • Following the retirement of Dr Brooks, her patient list had been taken over by Dr Salini Balendra 
  • Lisa Evans ( HCA) will be leaving this month and a replacement sought resulting in some changes to the HCA team
  • Recruitment was also pending for some reception staff shifts
  • GP survey – the 5yearly individual GP survey will be undertaken w/c 12th September. PPG members will assist with the distribution and collection of the forms. 
  • NHS GP surgery survey – results have now been published and the local surgeries have all had some disappointing results , although  Courtside had improved in the availability of same day appointments and telephone answering. 
  • Flu/Covid vaccination clinics – final details were to be confirmed but plans are in place to run busy clinics on Saturday mornings starting 8th October. As before the PPG will help with marshalling. – RM/LA to confirm clinic details asap. JP to organise PPG volunteers.

AOB items

  • Display of clinical staff photos – it was agreed that the new display was very helpful but should be moved to the front entrance to make it more accessible– LA to action 
  • Gardening – Dr S asked if anyone was interested in helping maintain the garden area at the side of the surgery and car park by way of relaxation and healthy activity. – any volunteers to let Dr S or RM know

Date of next meeting

Monday 7th November – 7pm

This will include the AGM and election of chair, vice chair and secretary