PPG Minutes 25th March 2024, 7pm





  • Jean Poole ( Chair and secretary)
  • Dr Vicky Smith
  • Ellie Bakhda
  • Rob Munden
  • Tess Munden
  • Dave Powell
  • Ann Tunstall

Welcome: Jean thanked those attending and as there were reduced numbers present, it was agreed that the meeting would be less formal.

Apologies: Mike Garett, Cindy Garret, Trudy Gwatkin, Rebecca Corbett-Pitman, Barbara Bird, Lee Davitt


Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes of 5th February were approved by the group.


Matters arising from previous minutes

  • New telephony system – Following the concern raised previously about the call back process, it had been established that there would be times when the caller might not in a position to respond to the call back, as this was a fully automated system dealing with calls in order.   
  • The development of a more detailed “script” to assist the reception/ care navigation team both on the phone and the front desk reception was still in development. – PPG members to assist if required 
  • The arrangement for a duty doctor to be close to the main reception had started and was settling down  – further feedback to be given at the next meeting  
  • Healthwatch – some leaflets had been received from the local team but after discussion it was agreed that those particular ones were not appropriate for display. However, a guest speaker has been invited to the May meeting to discuss their role.  

PPG issues

  • Appointment DNA ( did not attend) – figures had been provided to the group previously and the impact of non- attendance was discussed. Ellie was asked whether any demographic information was available – Ellie to follow up
  • Text reminders are helpful, so it was suggested that patients attending the next round of Covid vaccination clinics could be asked to check/supply their mobile number. – Jean to brief PPG volunteers
  • GP incentive scheme – the recent national consultation was discussed which included some options for monitoring practice activity differently
  • Covid vaccination clinics – these are for patients 75 yrs and over and those with complex health conditions and will be taking place on Weds 24th April and Thurs 2nd May rather than weekends. These would be busy clinics with 400 - 500 + patients per session - PPG volunteers have already been agreed
  • Advance Care planning – some reference information had been sent out to the group following the discussion with Dr Appleton at the last meeting, where it was agreed that a PCN wide information session would be useful. 
  • Age UK  would be invited to join the session and had some useful information and support to offer 
    • Ellie to establish suitable dates with Dr Appleton ( likely July) and Jean to liaise with Age UK and other PPGs

Courtside Issues

  • Staffing update – A new receptionist (Natalie) had started and 2 others were expected to start soon. Long serving receptionist (Andrea) had recently left to pursue new opportunities. Karen , advance nurse practitioner would be retiring soon and is being replaced by a different clinician.

Date of Next Meeting

Monday 20th May 2024 – 7pm