PPG Minutes 15th July 2024, 7pm





  • Jean Poole ( Chair and secretary)
  • Dr Vicky Smith
  • Ellie Bakhda
  • Rob Munden
  • Tess Munden
  • Mike Woodward
  • Maureen Woodward
  • Trudy Gwatkin
  • Barbara Bird
  • Rebecca Corbett-Pitman
  • Lee Atkins

Welcome: Jean thanked those attending

Apologies: Mike Garett, Cindy Garret – (who are stepping down from the committee), Dave Powell, Lee Davitt, Ann Tunstall, Sharon Shaw, Kerry Harding


Approval of Previous Minutes

The minutes of 3rd June were approved by the group.


Matters Arising From Previous Minutes

  • Advanced care planning information session – due to leave absences , the date for a presentation is now likely to be in the early Autumn.  - Jean , Ellie and Dr Smith to liaise about suitable dates and agree publicity
  • PPG policy – the updated policy has been signed off and will be sent out to committee members to acknowledge. It will also be sent to the email group for information. – Jean to arrange  
  • Surgery car parking – Ellie is in contact with South Glos council about the impact of possible changes to the town car park. No further information is available at present.

PPG issues

  • NAPP membership – payment of the annual fee to the National Association had been delayed but this has now been done and access to the resources available has been resumed
  • PCN/ PPG chair contacts – updated information about the other PPGs in the area has been received. Only 2 or the other 4 surgeries in the local PCN currently have active PPGs. Jean to contact the chair at West Walk and Kennedy Way to refresh networking arrangements  
  • AGE UK liaison – contact has been made by both Jean and Ellie . There will be a representative in the Surgery on Thursday 18th July as well as future involvement in our public health information sessions.
  • The “HERBERT” protocol. – Information was given about the Safeguarding scheme available through the local police service to help support and protect people with Dementia who may “go missing” 

Details can be found via the Avon & Somerset Police website here


Courtside Issues

Care Navigation process:

  • The new system involving e-consult documentation for accessing services has been in place for a month and feedback so far has been generally positive. 
  • The data supplied showed (on 2 slides) how telephone calls and e- consult was being used and the impact on the service. Members gave feedback on their personal experience and any queries were answered. 
  • It was confirmed that GPs are now able to book follow up appointments themselves within a 5 week window
  • Lee confirmed that access via the NHS app allowed for the document  to be pre-populated with patient data. Access to the form was available via the Surgery website allowing anyone to complete the document of behalf of a patient as no log in was required. 
  • Reception arrangements have changed with no “front of house” presence during lunch periods or after 6.30. However, a bell is available for enquiries. This allows staff to better concentrate on the calls and triage system behind the scenes. Jean suggested that the slides used at the last meeting to explain the system, might be helpful if posted on the surgery website – Ellie to arrange
  • Further feedback would be welcome.

Staffing Update:

  • Staffing update - Dr Pauline Anthony retired at the end of June and her patients have been moved over to Dr Gagan Singh
  • Maternity leave HCA vacancy- this has proved difficult to fill and a permanent post is now on offer
  • A new p/t GP is expected to start in September
  • Dr Sam Tindall joins the practice as a permanent member from October
  • There are also some new members of the reception team starting soon


GP survey results – details of the results of the National survey were shown to the meeting and these had improved on previous years and compared favourably with other local practices.

However, it was noted that the response rate was poor. 


Date of Next Meeting

Monday 2nd September 2024 - 7pm